About Us
INNOVATION, CONTINUOUS research and the GLOBAL demand to save energy, made the inception of Spray Tech Alternative Ltd possible. Starting operations in 2010, we are a provider of an energy saving solution, specialising in waterproofing and insulation of various structures and buildings through one of the latest technology in roofing systems.

Our Mission
Spray Tech Alternative Limited is the premier provider of an environmentally friendly solution for insulation and waterproofing. Our mission is to continuously improve the energy efficiency of our residential and commercial clienteles, by utilising the latest technologies for our services and products.

Our Commitment
We committed to providing solutions for insulation and waterproofing that are in alignment with our GO GREEN initiative, as protecting our environment is paramount in our company. Energy Efficiency Starts here. Contact us today and rest assured! We provide a 10 year after sales warranty!!!

Choosing one of Spray Tech’s products will save your business a substantial amount of money as well as be the best choice for our environment. Our products are designed to provide a long term, sustainable roofing solution. We provide you with a roofing system that is leak resistant, provides superior insulating power along with the energy efficient reflective qualities that are important in reducing the life cycle cost of your roof and withstand hurricane roof.

When you want to make the affordable and sustainable roofing choice for your residential property, look no further than Spray Tech Alternative. We can provide you with a roofing system that can resist high winds and hurricanes, therefore, minimising maintenance cost. Start saving thousands of dollars today. Give us a call and make your property environmentally friendly, leak proof and weather resistant.
The Core of our Business

We provide a complete roofing system that STOPS LEAKS, COOLS ROOFS, protects, adds structural support to the building, and cuts the amount of radiated heat that enter or trap into the building, thereby cutting ENERGY costs.
Kevin Farquharson
Director, Sales and Marketing